Complaints in the NHS
Our aim is to provide the very best care and treatment we can and it is important that we hear about patient's comments and learn from people's experiences - good or bad.
The Concerns Procedure is designed to ensure that when there is a problem, everything possible is done to resolve it speedily and effectively.
What you should do if you have a concern:
You can raise the matter with a member of staff who will try to resolve it immediately
If you prefer to deal with someone in the Practice not directly involved, please write to Jackie Stinton, Practice Manager at our address or by email to the Practice Manager on Enquiries.W97007@wales.nhs.uk Please note, if your concern is of a clinical nature or involves controlled medications, a Doctor not involved with the concern may be asked to lead the investigation.
What the Practice will do:
Acknowledge your written concern within two working days, if the matter cannot be satisfactorily resolved immediately
Ensure the matter is thoroughly investigated and aim to provide you with a full response within 30 working days. We will keep you informed of progress if for any reason this timescale cannot be met
Provide a response which includes an explanation, an apology, if appropriate, and tells you what action we are taking or have taken to help prevent any similar problems in the future. We will also offer you the opportunity to meet with the doctor if requested
Patient Support Services:
If you would rather not have the Practice look into your concern, you can contact a member of the Cardiff and Vale University Health Board's Patient Concerns Team. You can contact them:
Telephone: 02920 74409.
Write to: Concerns Manager at Cardiff and Vale University Health Board, University Hospital of Wales (UHW), Heath Park, Cardiff, CF14 4XW.
Please contact the Concerns Team with full details of your concern. However, please note, after reviewing your concern they may feel that it is best dealt with by the Practice. If you need help telling them about your concern, please let them know, or contact your local Community Health Council (CHC).
Community Health Council (CHC):
The CHC provides a FREE and independent advocacy service which is able to help patients or the people acting for them to raise a concern.
The CHC officers can advise you, help you in putting your concern in writing and provide support during the procedure.
The contact details for the CHC are:
Telephone: 02920 750112.
Address: South Glamorgan Community Health Council, Pro-Copy Business Centre (Rear), Parc TÅ· Glas, Llanishen, Cardiff, CF14 5DU
If you are still unhappy or dissatisfied:
If after dealing with the Practice or the Concerns team you are still not satisfied with the response, you may refer your concern to the Public Services Ombudsman for Wales.
Telephone: 0300 790 0203
Website: https://www.ombudsman.wales/
Write to: Public Services Ombudsman for Wales, 1 Ffordd yr Hen Gae, Pencoid, CF35 5LJ
We want to know when things go wrong, so that we can quickly put them right and improve our services.
Important Note.
Should a patient raise a concern, the Practice may need to access the patient's medical records.
If you do not want the Practice to access your medical records in the process of investigating your concern, please let the Practice Manager know of this in writing.
If after raising your concern, the Practice Manager does not receive your written instructions not to access your medical records, this will be understood to mean you have no objections.